Future Sustainability Forum 2023

Future Sustainability Forum 2023

The Future Sustainability Forum 2023, held at the Ritz Carlton in Dubai, concluded today, leaving attendees inspired and informed about the path to a greener future.

The day started with a warm welcome from Arif Amiri, Chief Executive Officer at DIFC Authority, setting the stage for thought-provoking discussions. The highlight of the morning was the engaging conversation between Dan Murphy, anchor and correspondent for CNBC International, and H.E. Mariam Bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment. Minister Almheiri shared insights into the upcoming COP28, just 56 days away.

The UAE has set ambitious targets, aiming for a net-zero pathway by 2050 and a 43% reduction by 2030. Achieving these milestones will require not only a shift in our daily habits but also a profound intellectual transformation across all sectors of society.

Walking the talk is capital, emphasized the Minister, echoing the sentiment that actions must align with intentions. This commitment was exemplified as various government and civil society leaders came together to sign pledges for a net-zero UAE by 2050. It was a moment of great significance and a testament to the collective will to combat climate change.

The day’s discussions covered a diverse range of topics, from nature-based solutions to ecosystem preservation, and explored the carbon market. Each session provided a large amount of information, making the event an invaluable resource for those dedicated to building a more sustainable world.

In the end, the Future Sustainability Forum 2023 was a step forward, a moment of unity, and a source of inspiration for everyone involved. It reaffirmed that sustainability is a shared commitment to safeguarding our planet for future generations.

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